The Orchestra welcomes new players of a high standard. Membership, subject to vacancies, is open to players of Grade 8 standard or higher.
Please refer to our Recruitment Policy for details of our recruitment process and our Members Code for information on membership rules.
We have an important vacancy for Principal Oboe and are keen to invite applications as soon as possible to initiate the recruitment process.
We have vacancies for several rank and file players in our lower string sections. We are particularly keen to recruit new members to the cellos and violas.
Players of other instruments are encouraged to submit their details even if there are no published vacancies, as we occasionally have a need for deputies in some concerts or rehearsals.
Please fill in the form on this page. All fields are mandatory.
By clicking “Submit” you are consenting to the FSO storing your personal data and using it to contact you about joining the orchestra, in accordance with current data protection law. Should you not join the orchestra, your data will be deleted. Please read our Privacy Policy before you submit your information.